I am not sure whether this gives all the functionality you`re askeing
for but maybe the macro "BatchBisectStacks" or "BatchSplitStacks" that
you can download from
http://www1.imperial.ac.uk/medicine/people/c.liebig/can help you.
Kind regards,
arlomcg wrote:
> The confocal data I'm gathering outputs two channels in a stack, one with
> bright field data and the other with true confocal data. I'm wondering if I
> can write a macro to split the two channels out. Pretty much I need the
> macro to reference the number of slices then split it into two stacks right
> down the middle.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks.
Christian Liebig, PhD
FILM - Facility for Imaging by Light Microscopy
- Facility Assistant -
Sir Alexander Fleming Building, desk 403
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Tel. +44-(0)20-759-49793
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