Hi anonymous student,
the 'args' in IJ.run("CommandName", args) are different from the
Macro Options:
These args are an additional argument passed to the setup method of a
plugin, to specify different actions done by one plugin.
E.g., the built-in "Process>Math>Add... command is performed by
ij.plugin.filter.ImageMath, with args='add'. The same plugin also
accepts arguments 'sub', 'mul', etc.
You need the Macro.setOptions command.
On 15 Mar 2010, at 16:37, xanibas wrote:
> I'm passing arguments for a PlugIn through:
>> String args = "par1="+ value1 +" par2="+ value2 +... + "";
>> IJ.run("CommandName", args);
> and the run function of the class implementing PlugIn looks as
> following:
>> public void run(String arg) {
>> String options = Macro.getOptions();
>> if (options==null){
>> ...
>> }
>> else {
>> ...
>> }
> The problem is that Macro.getOptions() always returns NULL. I was
> wondering
> if the problem lies in the ij.macro.Interpreter. Any ideas?
> Thank in advance