Yes you can define your template as a selection in ImageJ (bonus point 1) and and then add this selection to the ROI Manager of ImageJ.
With the ROI-Manager you can a kind of record your selections and then later restore them from the list of the ROI-Manager. ImageJ offers several selection tools for a predefined shape in the Edit->Selection menu.
For the measurements of interpoint distances it is easy to use ImageJ in combination with R. software Bio7 (sorry for this self-advertisment) offers interfaces between ImageJ and R and offers some methods to transfer ImageJ selections and images to R.
It is available for the OS Windows and Linux. addition Bio7 has integrated some functionality to transfer single selections (the point coordinates as vectors) and multiple selections (from the ROI Manager as 2d lists) directly to the R workspace.
If the R package (plugin) "spatstat" is installed you can use the methods nndist (nearest neighbour distances) or pairdist (distances between all pairs of points in a point pattern) to analyze your shapes and also do easily summary statistics and more. integrated this functionality in Bio7 to support morphometrics for plants and animals.
For more Morphometrics with R have also a look into this book:,+medicine+%26+health/book/978-0-387-77789-4