You can try to measure the convex area and perimeter. This may be a
good estimator of the "unbroken" membrane/cell area. The following
method measures the convex area:
float[][] findConvexArea(ResultsTable rt, ImageProcessor ipTemp){
int nParticles = rt.getCounter();
ResultsTable systemRT= ResultsTable.getResultsTable();
float[][] cValues = new float[2][nParticles]; //Array for the area
and perimeter convex dimension for each particle
ImagePlus impTemp = new ImagePlus("Test", ipTemp);
for (int i=0; i<nParticles;i++){
IJ.doWand((int)rt.getValue("XStart", i),(int)rt.getValue
("YStart", i));"Convex Hull");"Measure");
cValues[0][i] = (float)systemRT.getValue("Area", i);
cValues[1][i] = (float)systemRT.getValue("Perim.", i);
systemRT.reset();"Select None");
return cValues;
or try the shape descriptor plugin:
On Sep 4, 2006, at 2:28 PM, Ulrik Stervbo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I been (quite unsuccessfully) looking for a way to identify the
> circumference of a cell. Does anyone know if there is a plugin for
> ImageJ?
> The point is to end up with the area of the cell, but is it only the
> membrane of the cells which is stained, so the particle analyzer is
> no good.
> Also, because of background and such, the line, indicating the edge
> of the
> cell, may be broken (there is no guarantee that it is not broken).
> Thank in advance for any suggestions.
> Ulrik