Plugins are working, but not in Plugin menu

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Plugins are working, but not in Plugin menu

Dennis Hendriksen
 Some of my homemade plugins are working, but do not appear in the Plugin
menu even after doing a "Compile and Run...".
The class file of the plugin is located in the plugin directory and the
plugin works fully when doing "Compile and Run...". The plugin was compiled
with the latest java compiler and use some recent java language aspects such
as generics.
 Can anyone tell me how to get these plugins in the Plugins menu?
 Thanks in advance,
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Re: Plugins are working, but not in Plugin menu

Gabriel Landini
On Monday 05 September 2005 13:04, Dennis Hendriksen wrote:
>  Some of my homemade plugins are working, but do not appear in the Plugin
> menu even after doing a "Compile and Run...".
> The class file of the plugin is located in the plugin directory and the
> plugin works fully when doing "Compile and Run...". The plugin was compiled
> with the latest java compiler and use some recent java language aspects
> such as generics.
>  Can anyone tell me how to get these plugins in the Plugins menu?
>  Thanks in advance,
> Dennis

The plugin name needs a "_".
You need to restart IJ to make it aware of the new classes.
