Measuring distance between freehand-ROI and freehand line

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Measuring distance between freehand-ROI and freehand line

Eitan Z.
Hello to the members of the forum,

I have several series of time-lapse microscopy images of bacteria colony attachment to cells, what I'm trying to measure is their changing distance to cell boundary.

Since the cells themselves tend to have some movement of their own in the field, what I've done is:
1) I've manually drawn freehand line selection for every time-point,
2) Drawn a freehand circular around ononebacteria colony in each time point.
3) Measured the centroid and center of mass of the circular ROIs (which are close, since the intensity of the colony is quite evenly distributed).

So now I have a series of corresponding pairs of freehand line ROIs and quasi-circles and I want to measure the distance between the particles center and their appropriate lines.

I'm pretty new to ImageJ, but I figured someone probably done this before, but I couldn't find a plugin or how-to for this challenge...

I also looked for a freehand line to point distance solution, but couldn't find one either.

Can anyone help?


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Re: Measuring distance between freehand-ROI and freehand line

Eitan Z.

Eitan Z. wrote
Hello to the members of the forum,

I have several series of time-lapse microscopy images of bacteria colony attachment to cells, what I'm trying to measure is their changing distance to cell boundary.

Since the cells themselves tend to have some movement of their own in the field, what I've done is:
1) I've manually drawn freehand line selection for every time-point,
2) Drawn a freehand circular around ononebacteria colony in each time point.
3) Measured the centroid and center of mass of the circular ROIs (which are close, since the intensity of the colony is quite evenly distributed).

So now I have a series of corresponding pairs of freehand line ROIs and quasi-circles and I want to measure the distance between the particles center and their appropriate lines.

I'm pretty new to ImageJ, but I figured someone probably done this before, but I couldn't find a plugin or how-to for this challenge...

I also looked for a freehand line to point distance solution, but couldn't find one either.

Can anyone help?

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Re: Measuring distance between freehand-ROI and freehand line

Michael Schmid
Hi Eitan,

it looks like a problem that could be solved by the Euclidian Distance Map

- Create a binary image of the cell, invert it and run
Process>Binary>Distance Map.

- Find the values of the distance map at the positions of the bacteria. An
automatic way of doing this is the following:
Create an image suitable for finding the bacteria with Process>Binary>Find
Maxima, create a "Single Point" output and use the 'AND' operation of
Process>Image Calculator to combine the result with the EDM. Now, you will
have a point for each bacterium with a value corresponding to the
You can use, e.g., the particle analyzer to make a Results Table out of

If you have selections, not images as an input, you can convert those to
images by Edit>Selection>Create mask.

Note that the EDM in ImageJ only works for distances up to 255 pixels.

Hope this helps a bit,

On Sat, December 20, 2008 23:11, Eitan Z. wrote:

> Hello to the members of the forum,
> I have several series of time-lapse microscopy images of bacteria colony
> attachment to cells, what I'm trying to measure is their changing
> distance
> to cell boundary.
> Since the cells themselves tend to have some movement of their own in
> the
> field, what I've done is:
> 1) I've manually drawn freehand line selection for every time-point,
> 2) Drawn a freehand circular around ononebacteria colony in each time
> point.
> 3) Measured the centroid and center of mass of the circular ROIs (which
> are close, since the intensity of the colony is quite evenly
> distributed).
> So now I have a series of corresponding pairs of freehand line ROIs and
> quasi-circles and I want to measure the distance between the particles
> center and their appropriate lines.
> I'm pretty new to ImageJ, but I figured someone probably done this
> before,
> but I couldn't find a plugin or how-to for this challenge...
> I also looked for a freehand line to point distance solution, but
> couldn't
> find one either.
> Can anyone help?
> Thanks,
> Eitan.
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Re: Measuring distance between freehand-ROI and freehand line


On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, Michael Schmid wrote:

> it looks like a problem that could be solved by the Euclidian Distance
> Map (EDM):

Note that the name notwithstanding, this function does _not_ calculate the
true Euclidean distance, but just a relatively imprecise approximation

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Re: Measuring distance between freehand-ROI and freehand line

Gabriel Landini
On Monday 22 December 2008, Johannes Schindelin wrote:
> Note that the name notwithstanding, this function does _not_ calculate the
> true Euclidean distance, but just a relatively imprecise approximation
> thereof.

Bob Dougherty has a plugin called Local Thickness that calculates a more
accurate distance transform.

