Dear Gusjoyo,
You just need to use the built-in feature in ImageJ. Open the two images
that you want to merge and then go to Image - Color - RGB Merge. Select
the file for each colour channel that you want to display. Since you
don't have a green image, you just select None for that channel.
Jacqueline Ross
Biomedical Imaging Research Unit
School of Medical Sciences
Faculty of Medical & Health Sciences
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Tel: 64 9 373 7599 Ext 87438
Fax: 64 9 373 7484
-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
agus wijoyo
Sent: 04 September 2007 15:26
[hidden email]
Subject: Merge Image
Dear groups,
I would like to merge 2 images,one is Red Fluorescence
Protein (red colour) dan DAPI (blue colour).They were
developed from the same cell.How can I merge with
image J? I ever read about colour merge plugin but I
can not find that plugin in the IMage J plugin,thanks
before for the suggestion
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