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Ali Durmuş-3
I am using imageJ in my java projects, i am new.
I couldn't find enough documents imageJ using in Java programs.
I want to insert one image to anohter image.
when I used ImageProcessor insert method, I couldn't see inserted image.
How can I insert ip1 to ipP? ipP is big image, I want to see ip1 in ip2

                ImageProcessor        ipP    = impP.getProcessor();
                ImageProcessor        ip1    = imp1.getProcessor();

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Re: Merge

Nikos Katsikanis
hmm thats strange, I've had similiar problems. I found that if you create
the imageplus and imageprocessor locally you can get things to work better.
You can have a global int and assign this to an id from a image you create
and use the window manager to get this id when you want to do something to
this imagew later.  eg

ImagePlus originalImage=WindowManager.getCurrentImage();
   id = originalImage.getID();

//then you can get this image locally by WindowManager.getImage(id)

also you could try the imageprocessor.copyBits method

hope this helps!