Macro function File.getName(path)

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Macro function File.getName(path)

Gabriel Landini

I don't understand what the File.getName(path) function does.
It says in the help page:

   File.getName(path) - Returns the name of the specified file or directory.

but the path or file should already be known (otherwise how does one call this
Obviously I am missing something...


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Re: Macro function File.getName(path)

Wayne Rasband
> I don't understand what the File.getName(path) function does.
> It says in the help page:
>    File.getName(path) - Returns the name of the specified file or
> directory.
> but the path or file should already be known (otherwise
> how does one call this function?).
> Obviously I am missing something...

Given a full path name, for example


it returns just the file name, in this case

