Hello all!
This is my first post to the ImageJ list. Hope to help all you as much as
you may help me.
I am a researcher in Brzil doing a Ph.D. in image processing and using
ImageJ (together with Matlab 2008a) as my primary development platform.
I am used to get the java files for ImageJ, modify them and then compile
these files according to my needs (I've been doing this since 2005) but with
the last download (vesion ij141i-src.zip, from 25/Jul/2008, 16:01 PM, 1.1M)
I noticed that the "BinaryFiller.java" (package ij.plugin.filter), which
generates the "BinaryFiller.class", is missing from the ZIP package.
To overcome this, I simply copied the colorized source code from the address
http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/docs/source/index.html" to a java file and palced
it in the correct location under my IDE code structure.
This is a strange behavior for me, since I never had such a similar problem
with the downloaded source code.
What I wonder is that if someone has faced this problem before or if this
was a missing. Anyone has an answer to this question?
Thanks in advance,