Modal color picker

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Modal color picker

Jon Harman

I'd like to use the color picker as a modal window from my plugin.  I.e.
I want it to have the user choose a color then click on OK and have the
color picker return the color chosen.

It this possible?

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Re: Modal color picker

Wayne Rasband
> I'd like to use the color picker as a modal window from my plugin.  
> I.e. I want it to have the user choose a color then click on OK and
> have the color picker return the color chosen.
> It this possible?

The color picker (Image>Color>Color Picker) is not model but the color
chooser is. The color chooser (ij.gui.ColorChooser) is used when you
double click on a color in the color picker. It is also used by the
Image>Color>Edit LUT command.
