Modified stacks and how to analyse volumetric measurements in them?

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Modified stacks and how to analyse volumetric measurements in them?

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Dear all,

I am asking for your help once again. You kindly guided how to get the K-means tool run. I managed to segment my images beautifully, thank you very much for that!

So, I am working with breast MRIs. I segmented the breast to three clusters with the K-means tool. Now I would like to analyse the stacks. Especially interesting would be the volumetric analyses. The problem here is that skin is being segmented to be a part of parenchyma (this is very understandable as there is no significant intensity difference between the parenchyma and skin). Also, the segmented parenchyma is well dispersed into breasts, so picking it with a picking tool would be just tool difficult. I want to exclude the skin, which three dimensionally delineates the fat (see the link below). Would ImageJ provide with good plug-ins for my purposes? Or should I try to run either the active contour segmentation (provided by ITK-SNAP) or the Grow Cut segmentation tool (provided by 3D Slicer) on the K-means segmented images? If I should, can anyone advise on how to export the segmented stack so that it would run on other softwares?

Thanks again! :) Your kind help just makes my day!


And here is the link:,d.bGg&psig=AFQjCNHLcm9t-xcyKYKuVVWk4-t9EKK52A&ust=1434993697136626.