Morphological image display and processing

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Morphological image display and processing

Blandine Chanteloup
Hello everybody,

I'm using Eclipse to develop a software. I would like to use the ImageJ
library ij.jar to process images but without using plugins.
I've already tried to write code source using ImagePlus, ImageCanvas,
ImageProcessor objects but I don't really know how to use them.
Does anyone can send me some source code examples that aim to display
images and manage simple process (brightness/contrast variation, ROI
drawing ...) ??


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Re: Morphological image display and processing

Xiaoqiang Huang
Check this out

-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Blandine Chanteloup
Sent: 28 July 2005 08:55
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Morphological image display and processing

Hello everybody,

I'm using Eclipse to develop a software. I would like to use the ImageJ
library ij.jar to process images but without using plugins.
I've already tried to write code source using ImagePlus, ImageCanvas,
ImageProcessor objects but I don't really know how to use them.
Does anyone can send me some source code examples that aim to display
images and manage simple process (brightness/contrast variation, ROI
drawing ...) ??


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Re: Morphological image display and processing

Volker Baecker
In reply to this post by Blandine Chanteloup
Hello Blandine,
I'm doing something similar at the moment. Instead of only using the jar
you should download the source code of imageJ from
You can import it into eclipse without problems, using something like
"import from filesystem". There you got many examples.
Here is an example that does a convolution

        Convolver.normalize = false;
        Convolver convolver = new Convolver();
        float[] kernel = {-1, -1, -1, 2, 2, 2, -1, -1, -1};
        convolver.convolve(inputImage.getProcessor(), kernel, 3, 3);;

The api documentation is at

To start you could have a look at what ImageProcessor and its subclasses
and ImagePlus can do.

Hope this helps,

Blandine Chanteloup wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I'm using Eclipse to develop a software. I would like to use the
> ImageJ library ij.jar to process images but without using plugins.
> I've already tried to write code source using ImagePlus, ImageCanvas,
> ImageProcessor objects but I don't really know how to use them.
> Does anyone can send me some source code examples that aim to display
> images and manage simple process (brightness/contrast variation, ROI
> drawing ...) ??
> Thanks
> Blandine

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