Dear all,
We are working on segmented images of microfossils (gray value particle on a black background) and are trying to measure a couple of parameters regarding the outline of the particle. There is always one particle on the image. The macro is as follow: … setThreshold(50, 255); run("Convert to Mask"); run("Create Selection"); run("Revert"); setThreshold(10, 254); getSelectionCoordinates(selX, selY); run("Select None"); makeSelection("polygon", selX, selY); run("Set Measurements...", "area mean standard modal min perimeter bounding fit circularity feret's integrated median skewness kurtosis display redirect=None decimal=3"); run("Measure"); perim=getResult("Perim."); print(perim); … We used to work with imageJ 1.38n where we could read the result table without problem. Since we have upgraded the software to the version 1.44p, we always get a normal result table with values for each column but when we want to read them and print each of them, this give NaN (e.g. perim=getResult("Perim."); print(perim);) except for the area value… Is there a solution to go about it? Is it a bug? In any case, thanks in advance for your help. Oskar Jäckel & France E. Girault Uppsala University & ETH Zurich -- Oskar Jäckel Department of Earth Sciences - Paleobiology Uppsala University Villavägen 16 752 36 Uppsala Sweden Phone: +46 18 471 2572 email: [hidden email] |
An easy fix would be to download the original version that you had previously used. I would recommend that anyone who is relying on imageJ create a backup of the version of imageJ that they are using. Backwards compatibility is not always guaranteed... As for what's causing the problem, it's hard to tell without running a few programming experiments. My initial guess is that your selection commands are not working properly.
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