Unfortunately, if the answer to your question is not in the documentation (
http://www.univ-rouen.fr/med/MRurography/Files/URO%20MR%20-%20Users'%20Guide%20Version%205.0SMP.pdf), I can't help you because the creators of the plugin do not provide the source code.
In other words, the reason you are having a problem is probably because there is an error in the plugin, but I don't know how the plugin works.
You could send the creators of the plugin an e-mail:
http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/plugins/mru/mru.htmlhttp://www.univ-rouen.fr/med/MRurography/join.htmGood luck!
Gonzalo Rojas wrote
I want to process some urography MR images using "MR Urography V5.0
SMP Plug-in"... The MR images are from a Siemens Avanto scanner...
Using "Open Image/Stack" button ("MRU" window), when I select the
first image, I got the message "No DICOM images were found"... If I
use the KidneyVolume plugin with the same images, it reads the DICOM
files without any problem... Why ?...
Gonzalo Rojas Costa