Need a Macro

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Need a Macro

Good day,

I'm using ImageJ for analysis of my mesurment on a microscop. I'm interested in a MACRO or PLUG-IN which allows me to Plot a profile across my glass beads. OK. for one this is possible, but I want to see the profile over the a whole time series ONLINE, what means, while I slice the time series. I want to see the profile at every place of the slice (and the changes while I slice the time series). Can someone help me
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Re: Need a Macro

Wayne Rasband
> I'm using ImageJ for analysis of my mesurment on a
> microscop. I'm interested in a MACRO or PLUG-IN which allows
> me to Plot a profile across my glass beads. OK. for one this
> is possible, but I want to see the profile over the a whole
> time series ONLINE, what means, while I slice the time
> series. I want to see the profile at every place of the
> slice (and the changes while I slice the time series). Can
> someone help me

Check out the Dynamic Profiler plugin at

It continuously updates a profile plot as a line or rectangular
selection is moved or resized. The plot is also updated when the arrow
keys are used to move a selection or "<" or ">" are used to move
through a stack.

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Dynamic Profiler plugin question

Henry Barwood
Dear Wayne,

In a recent post you pointed out the Dynamic Profiler plugin (see below). I
tried it out and it works great. I am building a spectrophotometer out of an
old webcam for use on a microscope. The thought came to mind that Dynamic
Profiler is about half of what I need to make a digital spectrophotometer
out of my unit. Here is what I would like to accomplish:

1. Add a calibrated ROI that would outline the spectrum and remain fixed so
that it could be used to record the wavelength of the various spectral

2. Have something like Dynamic Profiler generate a profile, but update at
specific time intervals so that the digital spectra would be real-time
samples of an object in the microscope field of view.

I'm absolutely no programmer (!). Can anyone tell me:

1. How to generate a macro/plugin to place a ROI with specific dimensions in
a specific location on an image and make the ROI the automatic selection on
the image

2. How to get Dynamic Profiler to profile that ROI and update it at
specified (and selectable) time intervals.

3. How to read out the continuously updated spectrum into some sort of a
calibrated image file that would give the wavelength in nanometers as a
scale below the profile.

An adjustable Y-axis scale would also be nice, but I don't weant to ask for
too much (!).

I hope someone can help me out here. Thanks.


Henry Barwood
Associate Professor of Science, Earth Sciences
Department of Math and Physics
Troy University
Troy, Alabama
[hidden email]

Check out the Dynamic Profiler plugin at

It continuously updates a profile plot as a line or rectangular
selection is moved or resized. The plot is also updated when the arrow
keys are used to move a selection or "<" or ">" are used to move
through a stack.

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Re: Need a Macro

In reply to this post by Wayne Rasband
Thx. This tool is nice, but I need a plug-in, where I can see the changing profile (online) when I am looking at a image sieries. So e.g., I have about 800 images from a porous particle. The concentration profile of the analyte changes with the time. Thus, diferent concertration distributions are generated inside the particle over the time. And I want to look at the changing profiles during the image series.

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Steffen Ehlert (PhD)
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität / Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme
39106 Magdeburg-Germany
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Re: Need a Macro

In reply to this post by mob-2-3
Nice, but I don't have 3D Pictures, I have up to 1000 2D images. Every picture stands for one situation in the developing process I investigate. So I have a stack of these pictures and want to see the change in between the consecutive images.