New plugin: mroi

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New plugin: mroi

Frederick Ross
A long while back I announced a plugin that added multiple ROI
capability to ImageJ.  I've got a complete rewrite now which has some
other nice features as well:

* properly handle separates ROI sets on each frame of a stack
* undo/redo for all commands that mutate ROIs
* save/load of ROI sets in a slight extension to GIS's WKT format
* hooks to add new commands that properly integrate with the undo/redo
system with minimal code.

I'd appreciate all comments and bug reports.  It should be fairly
stable, as we've been using it in house for a while.  The code is all
under the GPL.

You can get it from the git repository at (sorry, no snapshots right now: I
don't have usable web space).  The tree there includes jars of ImageJ,
JTS, and all other libraries needed to run it in place, since that's
how we're using it.

Frederick Ross
Graduate Fellow, The Rockefeller University