Part of the macro I'm writing involves opening a results table which
ImageJ saved previously.
The section I'm having problems with is this:
macro "bug example" {
G_Ddir=getDirectory("choose folder");
string="openasstring...=" + G_Ddir + G_jobName + "_basic.xls";
run("Results...", string);
It should open the results of an the Image called G_jobName, so in
this case, a file called test_basic.xls
This bit of code runs fine on my Mac (using IJ 1.42l and Java 1.5.0_16)
but when I run the same piece of code on ImageJ on a PC it doesn't
work... (64bit PC, ImageJ1.42I or 1.42k)
not only that but it actually causes ImageJ to crash and close...
Just before it crashes it opens a window called "documents" which
looks a bit like the results table
It returns this value as the variable string= openasstring...=C:
\Documents and Settings\mikiko\Desktop\test_out\test\test_basic.xls
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Dr Adam Cliffe
Research Fellow
Rørth Lab
Cell Migration Group
Temasek Lifescience Laboratory
1 Research Link
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117604
tel: (65) 6872 8406
fax: (65) 6872 7007