Optimizing Stitching

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Optimizing Stitching

Cheuk Tam-2
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to FIJI and am hoping to troubleshoot the Stitching plugin.  I was using the plugin for 10X images of neurospheres and ran into issues with alignment.  I took images in a snake pattern with a lot of overlap (>50%). I then used the "unknown position" option for the Grid/Collection stitching; Grid: snake by rows did not do as good a job.  The result is mostly accurate, but parts of the fused image (e.g. the Hoechst channel) shows a double-vision problem; e.g. the same nuclei in two photos are shown next to each other instead of aligned and merged on top of each other.

I've set up a dropbox account, created a shared folder, and sent an invitation to the list.  If it the image opens successfully, the double-vision nuclei are in the upper right of the neurosphere pictured.  The link is:


Are there any settings I can adjust?  I've tried increasing the regression threshold to 0.7 but it did not help.  Also, there is a note in the cookbook about registering different channels using hyperstacks, but I'm having a bit of trouble following through with it.

"However, if you want to do that anyways simply convert channels into time-points and run it as if it was time-lapse registration. Afterwards you can convert it back. The easiest to achieve this is to use Image -> Hyperstacks -> Re-order hyperstack ..."

Any suggestions or directions for converting channels to timepoints would be appreciated.

Thank you for your help.


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