maybe this tutorial can help you.
You have 2 16bit grayscale images you want to overlay by assigning each of the source images a distinct color.
close all image windows in ImageJ and open the images to overlay
menu item Image/Stack/Images to Stack: now both images are unified in a stacked image. Use the slider on the bottom of the window to change the active layer (the layer number is reflected in the z coordinate in the main window).
in the channels tool (menu Image/Hyperstacks/Channels Tool), transform the stacked image to a composite image (i.e. each layer represents a color channel) by More>>/Make Composite. Select display mode Composite.
adjust contrast for each channel (use the slider on the bottom of the window to switch the active channel)
if desired, the LUT (look-up-table) for each channel can be set via menu item Image/Color/Edit LUT
when finished colorizing the picture, use Channels Tool/More/Convert to RGB to create a regular RGB image from your composite image.
save file
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Wed, 10 Sep 2008 10:39:59 +0000
> Von: Juan Francisco <
[hidden email]>
> An:
[hidden email]
> Betreff: Overay on ImageJ
> Dear ImageJ users:
> I try to do the overlay of one image over another, pls, someone knows hoe
> to do this??
> For insatnce: I take a image and then I do a Find max . I would like to
> overlay the image resulting of FInd Max operation , onto the original image.
> Thank you very much for your help
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