Overlay - display a overlay

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Overlay - display a overlay

Dear all,

My apologize for my bad english. I have a binary image, called image B. I use the plugin "analyze particule" to measure the element in the image B. I'm able to show an overlay or "outline" in the binary image of the elements thresholded but not in the original image (grey level), called A.

I would like to be sure/to verify the segmentation in the original image (A). I would like to have the outline/overlay on the original image of the elements thresholded.

Could you help me please,

Best regards,
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Re: Overlay - display a overlay

Rocco D'Antuono
Hi Laurent, when you need to select the image A and after select the ROI in Roi Manager window (when you execute "Analyze Particles..." check the box "Add to Manager", in order to open it).
Best regards,
Senior Microscopist
Crick Advanced Light Microscopy facility (CALM)
The Francis Crick Institute
1 Midland Road, NW1 1AT, London (UK)
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Re: Overlay - display a overlay

Thank you Rocco for your answer !