Hi Thomas,
thanks for your help. my question is answered ;-)
2006/8/17, Thomas Carlier <
[hidden email]>:
> Hello,
> It depends on your applied LUT. If the background (outside the FOV) is
> dark then the brighter regions mean a significant level of radionuclide
> retention. It is the opposite if your BKG is white..
> Regards
> Thomas Carlier
> Heiko Gleitsmann a écrit:
> > Hi
> >
> > I have a little problem. I know that a CT codes densities in gray
> scales,
> > where dark regions means a low density and bright regions means high
> > density. PET measures the emission of gamma radiation. Does the brighter
> > regions mean high emission and the dark ragions low/no emission?
> >
> > regards heiko.
> >
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* Heiko Gleitsmann c/o Kramer
* Wohlgemuthstr. 19
* 12437 Berlin
* phone: 030/99190249
* mobile: 0719/7013401
* ICQ: 342985916
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