Particle detection by Intensity fitting

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Particle detection by Intensity fitting


I'm would like yo know if there exist an ImageJ plugin that implements
particle detection based on intensity fitting, for exemple as developped
by Dr. Yannis Kalaidzidis for endosome detection before tracking:

Rink J, Ghigo E, Kalaidzidis Y, Zerial M.
Rab conversion as a mechanism of progression from early to late endosomes.
Cell. 2005 Sep 9;122(5):735-49.

A very nice presentation can be seen here :

The idea is to fit bright puncta with a a known peak function and
iteratively substract fitted structures down to 2*SD of noise.
Overlapping peaks are merged. What is obtained is a particle set that
retains information about position, radius and intesity of the
individual endosomes.

Christophe Leterrier