Perhaps a difficult request - can we implement a builk save for imageJ?

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Perhaps a difficult request - can we implement a builk save for imageJ?

John Alexander-7
Hi group,

I've modified the Workspace Plugin originally by Jerome
Mutterer to be able to save Image5d files - but - it isn't
perfect.  Things like the B&C window and others don't save
well.  Sometimes if something isn't just right, it will fail
to restore then I loose it all (or it's not worth the effort
to fix it).
The approach is to cycle through each image/window and save
it and create a text file that stores the window location and
type.  Then upon loading, you parse through that data file
and open all the windows.

But this is tedious and requires one to obviously be able to
identify the window and save it properly.  I think things
like hyperstacks and other "specialty" windows won't save.  

Is there not a way for ImageJ to just do a total memory dump
and restore? I find it hard to think that that doesn't exist
in Java.

John Alexander, Ph.D.
Post-doctoral Fellow
William Green Lab
University of Chicago
947 E. 58th St.
Abott Hall 402
Chicago, IL 60637
off: (773) 702-9386
fax: (773) 702-3774
[hidden email]
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Re: Perhaps a difficult request - can we implement a builk save for imageJ?

Richard Mort
Yes this was the kind of thing I was thinking about for a 'session
manager'. I've had limited success with the workspace macro. It doesn't
seem to like text windows or any window that hasn't been named. If you
could just save everything as it appears on the screen and restore it at
a later time that would be great.

John Alexander wrote:

> Hi group,
> I've modified the Workspace Plugin originally by Jerome
> Mutterer to be able to save Image5d files - but - it isn't
> perfect.  Things like the B&C window and others don't save
> well.  Sometimes if something isn't just right, it will fail
> to restore then I loose it all (or it's not worth the effort
> to fix it).
> The approach is to cycle through each image/window and save
> it and create a text file that stores the window location and
> type.  Then upon loading, you parse through that data file
> and open all the windows.
> But this is tedious and requires one to obviously be able to
> identify the window and save it properly.  I think things
> like hyperstacks and other "specialty" windows won't save.  
> Is there not a way for ImageJ to just do a total memory dump
> and restore? I find it hard to think that that doesn't exist
> in Java.
> John
> John Alexander, Ph.D.
> Post-doctoral Fellow
> William Green Lab
> University of Chicago
> 947 E. 58th St.
> Abott Hall 402
> Chicago, IL 60637
> off: (773) 702-9386
> fax: (773) 702-3774
> [hidden email]

Dr Richard Mort
MRC Human Genetics Unit
Western General Hospital
Crewe Road
EH4 2XU, UK.

Phone: +44 (0)131 332 2471 x 3205
Fax: +44 (0)131 467 8456
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Re: Perhaps a difficult request - can we implement a builk save for imageJ?

Volker Baecker
Hash: SHA1

The simple way to achieve the effect seems to be to run ImageJ in a
virtual (os) machine like VMWare, that can save its complete state (I
didn't try). The discussion here:
is interesting. Maybe someone can check the different solutions
proposed. From quickly checking it I got the impression that there is
not really a good java only solution at the time being.


Richard Mort a écrit :

> Yes this was the kind of thing I was thinking about for a 'session
> manager'. I've had limited success with the workspace macro. It doesn't
> seem to like text windows or any window that hasn't been named. If you
> could just save everything as it appears on the screen and restore it at
> a later time that would be great.
> John Alexander wrote:
>> Hi group,
>> I've modified the Workspace Plugin originally by Jerome
>> Mutterer to be able to save Image5d files - but - it isn't
>> perfect.  Things like the B&C window and others don't save
>> well.  Sometimes if something isn't just right, it will fail
>> to restore then I loose it all (or it's not worth the effort
>> to fix it).
>> The approach is to cycle through each image/window and save
>> it and create a text file that stores the window location and
>> type.  Then upon loading, you parse through that data file
>> and open all the windows.
>> But this is tedious and requires one to obviously be able to
>> identify the window and save it properly.  I think things
>> like hyperstacks and other "specialty" windows won't save.  
>> Is there not a way for ImageJ to just do a total memory dump
>> and restore? I find it hard to think that that doesn't exist
>> in Java.
>> John
>> John Alexander, Ph.D.
>> Post-doctoral Fellow
>> William Green Lab
>> University of Chicago
>> 947 E. 58th St.
>> Abott Hall 402
>> Chicago, IL 60637
>> off: (773) 702-9386
>> fax: (773) 702-3774
>> [hidden email]

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