a very simple zero order approximation would be to monitor the average image
intensity avg(timepoint) over time and multiply each pixel intensity in each
time point with its respective avg(tn)/avg(t1). That is of course only valid
if the images do not change too much....do not forget to use 32-bit images
for that.
Btw, the curve of intensity decay should be some exponential decay
function...you could fit the function to the datapoints you get to improve
this estimate.
All the best,
-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:
[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Shane
Sent: Saturday, January 24, 2009 5:27 PM
[hidden email]
Subject: Photobleaching correction
I have a data set of live cells, imaged over 5 minutes for a GFP
labelled protein. I would like to correct for the bleaching that
occurs. Within each image set I've collected I have one cell from
which I'm gathering measurements, and at least one other cell that I
can use as a reference for the photobleaching. Any suggestions are
Thank you,
Shane Harding