Good day,
from the provided code line I conclude that you rather deal with an
ImageJ-macro, not an ImageJ-plugin.
If so, the line should look like:
run("Raw...", "open=["+input+list[i]+"] image=[16-bit Unsigned]
width=640 height=480 little-endian");
Most often you can find out yourself by using the ImageJ macro recorder.
Am 21.02.19 um 00:07 schrieb Robert Lockwood:
> I'm modifying a plugin that imports all ".raw" files in a folder and saves
> them as TIF. I understand what's going on but I need to set the
> Little-endian byte order box to 'checked' and I don't know how to do that
> and Google hasn't helped me.
> The line in question.
> run("Raw...", "open=["+input+list[i]+"] image=[16-bit
> Unsigned] width=640 height=480 offset=0 number=1 gap=0");
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:>
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