Did you check the code generated with the Visual Editor? It might be that
the plugin does not have the right structure. I mean, the Visual Editor is
not likely to know it has to implement PlugIn etc etc. That's about the only
thing I can think about.
Kind regards
On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:59 AM, Cihat Eldeniz <
[hidden email]>wrote:
> Hello,
> I am designing a GUI-based plugin in SWT using Visual Editor 1.2.1 on
> Eclipse 3.2 [Callisto].
> The importing of ImageJ into Eclipse is quite usefully illustrated in the
> Tutorials section of the ImageJ wiki. The problem I have is that when I run
> the very simple "Hello World" program, things are all fine. I can copy the
> output jar file into the plugins folder of imagej and it works! However,
> when it comes to design a very simplistic GUI-based plugin which has just
> one shell and only one button with no functionality on the shell,
> unfortunately I could not get things working. Firstly, when I go to
> run->debug within the visual editor, ImageJ opens, I see the plugin in the
> plugins menu, I click, but there is no answer. Secondly, I copy the jar file
> into the plugins folder of full imagej, again I see it in the menu, but when
> I click, I get an error message which says [assuming the name of the plugin
> Plugin or class not found: TEST_PLUGIN
> (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite)
> Any ideas? Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.
> Thank you very much.