Plugin or class not found error

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Plugin or class not found error

cihat eldeniz

I am designing a GUI-based plugin in SWT using Visual Editor 1.2.1 on
Eclipse 3.2 [Callisto].

The importing of ImageJ into Eclipse is quite usefully illustrated in
the Tutorials section of the ImageJ wiki. The problem I have is that
when I run the very simple "Hello World" program, things are all fine. I
can copy the output jar file into the plugins folder of imagej and it
works! However, when it comes to design a very simplistic GUI-based
plugin which has just one shell and only one button with no
functionality on the shell, unfortunately I could not get things
working. Firstly, when I go to run->debug within the visual editor,
ImageJ opens, I see the plugin in the plugins menu, I click, but there
is no answer. Secondly, I copy the jar file into the plugins folder of
full imagej, again I see it in the menu, but when I click, I get an
error message which says [assuming the name of the plugin is TEST_PLUGIN]

Plugin or class not found: TEST_PLUGIN
(java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite)

Any ideas? Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Thank you very much.
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Re: Plugin or class not found error

Certainly related to this FAQ:

Q: Why do I get the error "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/swt/internal/XXX/OS."?

And because you are using an older version of Eclipse read this, too.

Q: Why do I get the error "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-win32-3232 in java.library.path."?


I hope this helps
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Re: Plugin or class not found error

Joris FA Meys
In reply to this post by cihat eldeniz

Did you check the code generated with the Visual Editor? It might be that
the plugin does not have the right structure. I mean, the Visual Editor is
not likely to know it has to implement PlugIn etc etc. That's about the only
thing I can think about.

Kind regards

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 1:59 AM, Cihat Eldeniz <[hidden email]>wrote:

> Hello,
> I am designing a GUI-based plugin in SWT using Visual Editor 1.2.1 on
> Eclipse 3.2 [Callisto].
> The importing of ImageJ into Eclipse is quite usefully illustrated in the
> Tutorials section of the ImageJ wiki. The problem I have is that when I run
> the very simple "Hello World" program, things are all fine. I can copy the
> output jar file into the plugins folder of imagej and it works! However,
> when it comes to design a very simplistic GUI-based plugin which has just
> one shell and only one button with no functionality on the shell,
> unfortunately I could not get things working. Firstly, when I go to
> run->debug within the visual editor, ImageJ opens, I see the plugin in the
> plugins menu, I click, but there is no answer. Secondly, I copy the jar file
> into the plugins folder of full imagej, again I see it in the menu, but when
> I click, I get an error message which says [assuming the name of the plugin
> Plugin or class not found: TEST_PLUGIN
> (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/swt/widgets/Composite)
> Any ideas? Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.
> Thank you very much.