Hi Jacub,
The ImageProcessor operations work on the rectangular area
enclosing the roi.
So you should set the roi to the ImageProcessor and call
ip.reset(ip.getMask()) after the operation.
The ImageProcessor must have a snapshot taken before the
operation: either call ip.snapshot() or in a PlugInFilter
specify the SNAPSHOT flag.
For (Extended)PlugInFilters that do not change the roi, the
PlugInFilterRunner of ImageJ takes care about snapshot and
reset if the SUPPORTS_MASKING flag is set.
On 15 Jan 2008, at 10:17, JCS Trans Jakub Szafarek wrote:
> Hi,
> I am the new user of ImageJ library... So I have got one question.
> I want to make PolygonRoi, make it active and add to each pixel in
> selected ROI some Value.
> I wrote code:
> roi=new Polygon(xpoints,ypoints, 4, imageplus, Roi.POLYGON);
> imageplus.setRoi(roi)
> imageprocesor.add(value)
> When I Start aplication, roi is made, is selected and "add"
> operation is done well, but it makes "add" for the selected
> polygonroi and the bounding rectangle of this roi,
> What is wrong? what must I change to work it correct?
> Thx a lot
> Jakub