Problem with selections while running a macro

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Problem with selections while running a macro

Enrico Mund

i`m new here and a usual i start with a question regarding a problem in imagej.
I tried the search function but i found nothing converning my trouble.

 I have the problem that my selections vanish if i run a macro in ImageJ 1.38a. I use 2 self written macros a very simple one to analyse the radial profile of a FFT Image and a more complicated one.

run("Select All");
run("Radial Profile", "x=1024 y=1024 radius=1024");

If i run step steps manually everything is just fine an i see the profile curve . But if i run the macro the selection vanishs and i see no curve. The same happens in the macro if i use invFFT to filter the powerspectrum.

Any Suggestions ?

Thanks for your help.