Problems with Compile and Run...

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Problems with Compile and Run...

Hello everybody.

I'm quite new hier and just several months ago have found for me this very nice programm like ImageJ.
SO now I have ImageJ 1.37v on Windows XP SP2. Every time when I try to Compile new Plugin, so Plugins -> Compile and Run... - I always have Error Message:

This JVM doesn't include the javac compiler. Javac is included with the Windows, OS X and Linux versions of ImageJ.

Hm. I have installed Windows version, so I don't understand really the Problem.

Thanks a lot for your replies and advices!

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Re: Problems with Compile and Run...

Jason NoSpam
You need to download the Java SDK for windows here

Specifically, this one --
JDK 5.0 Update 9
The Java SE Development Kit (JDK) includes:


Oleg <[hidden email]> wrote: Hello everybody.

I'm quite new hier and just several months ago have found for me this very nice programm like ImageJ.
SO now I have ImageJ 1.37v on Windows XP SP2. Every time when I try to Compile new Plugin, so Plugins -> Compile and Run... - I always have Error Message:

This JVM doesn't include the javac compiler. Javac is included with the Windows, OS X and Linux versions of ImageJ.

Hm. I have installed Windows version, so I don't understand really the Problem.

Thanks a lot for your replies and advices!


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Re: Problems with Compile and Run...

Heiko Gleitsmann
In reply to this post by Oleg-18
Hi Oleg,

I also had have this problem. You can download ImageJ bundled with Java at
the following link:

and then it will work


2006/11/14, Oleg <[hidden email]>:

> Hello everybody.
> I'm quite new hier and just several months ago have found for me this very
> nice programm like ImageJ.
> SO now I have ImageJ 1.37v on Windows XP SP2. Every time when I try to
> Compile new Plugin, so Plugins -> Compile and Run... - I always have Error
> Message:
> This JVM doesn't include the javac compiler. Javac is included with the
> Windows, OS X and Linux versions of ImageJ.
> Hm. I have installed Windows version, so I don't understand really the
> Problem.
> Thanks a lot for your replies and advices!
> Oleg
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Huygens deconvolution and ImageJ

I have this deconvolution question. I do a lot of immunofluorescence on
a standard (not confocal) microscope. I tried deconvolution algorithms
from ImageJ but they seem not to get me what I want which is a less
blurred image. Pictures at done with 5000E+
software are breathtaking (provided they reflect the reality, not
software fantasy) and I was wondering if something similar could be
accomplished with ImageJ. I tried ImageAnalyzer (a freeware at but the results could be better. Now, is
there a deconvolution funtion in ImageJ that could push the image to the
level of Huygens software?


         Przemko Tylzanowski Ph.D.
         LSD & Joint, box 813-GREEN
         O & N
         University of Leuven
         Herestraat 49
         3000 Leuven
         phone: (32-16)34-61-96
         fax  : (32-16)34-62-00
