I am a new user to imagej macro.
I wrote a macro that opens up a dicom image of a radiation field.
The image file was produced by a digital detector installed on a linear
I am trying to use this device to do radiation field size analysis.
The following is what I do in the macro:
1) Read the image.
2) Extract read several of the needed dicom tags for the computation.
3) Print these to a log window (prepare to print to a text file).
4) Add a horizontal selection line from one end to the other of the
5) Extract the profile along that selection line.
6) Extract some statistics along the same line.
7) Normalize that data along that line.
8) Print the results to the log window.
9) Find where the 50% points on both sides of the profile.
10) Compute the Field size.
11) Print the results to log window
12) Plot the data in a plot window (with the results
on it).
13) Save the resultant plot to an image file.
14) Repeat steps 4-13 for a vertical selection line.
The problem I have is with the second selection. The resultant plot has a
plot of more data than I should have (the number of horizontal data > the
number of Vertical data). I went back and made sure that I dimensioned my
arrays correctly each time and zeroed the arrays out I create the plot and
performed my calculation. But the plot stayed the same. I also tried closing
out the first plot window and the reset command but it also did not work.
Do you anyone know what is going on or what I am doing wrong?
Mat M. Al-Tamimi M.Sc., DABR
[hidden email]
Cell (865) 742-0093