Quantifying Myotubes and Nuclei Count

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Quantifying Myotubes and Nuclei Count

Mevan Siriwardane

I would like to use imageJ to count the number of elongated myotubes in a 40 or 60X magnification.  Additionally, we would also like to automate the cell counting of nuclei within each myotube (a myotube is formed when myoblasts fuse together creating elongated structures of 2 or more multi nuclei.  

In a 60X FOV, we would like to use imagej for counting the number of myotubes, quantifying the number of multi nuclei in each myotube and counting the total number of nuclei.  Are there any plugins that any of you would recommend for this application?

I would be happy to attach a representative image of a 60X FOV with myotubes for analysis.

Look forward to the feedback.

Thank you,

Mevan Siriwardane

ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html
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Re: Quantifying Myotubes and Nuclei Count

Hi Mevan,

It would be good to see a representative image on this topic. Then a more
accurate guess on the procedure for your task can be made.
Because it depends on several factors how easy and satisfying this task can
be done.
It is for example important to see how the myotube staining looks like to
be able to segment the complete myotubes. Furthermore, it might be
problematic if different myotubes touch each other in the field of view.
The density of the nuclei (which you stain with DAPI or something similar,
I guess) is important to check to see if an efficient separation can be

When it is possible to segment both parts, total myotubes as well as
nuclei, you might give a trial to the "Speckle Inspector" in the BioVoxxel
Toolbox which is also distributed as a Fiji automatic update.


Furthermore the "Binary Feature Extractor" might help you to separate
nuclei inside myotubes from those in non-fused cells.


hope this helps already a little bit.

2014-03-03 16:16 GMT+01:00 Mevan Siriwardane <[hidden email]>:

> Hi,
> I would like to use imageJ to count the number of elongated myotubes in a
> 40 or 60X magnification.  Additionally, we would also like to automate the
> cell counting of nuclei within each myotube (a myotube is formed when
> myoblasts fuse together creating elongated structures of 2 or more multi
> nuclei.
> In a 60X FOV, we would like to use imagej for counting the number of
> myotubes, quantifying the number of multi nuclei in each myotube and
> counting the total number of nuclei.  Are there any plugins that any of you
> would recommend for this application?
> I would be happy to attach a representative image of a 60X FOV with
> myotubes for analysis.
> Look forward to the feedback.
> Thank you,
> Mevan Siriwardane
> --
> ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html


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