R: Re: 3D viewing of a z stack: problem with channel colors

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R: Re: 3D viewing of a z stack: problem with channel colors


----Messaggio originale----
Da: "emilia8 [via ImageJ]" <[hidden email]>
Data: 13/07/2016 13.44
A: "emilia8"<[hidden email]>
Ogg: Re: 3D viewing of a z stack: problem with channel colors

thank you for the answer. The thing is I want to merge the 2 colors..I have 80 images (NAME1c1.tiff...Name80c1.tiff) of the cells colored in blue and 80 images of the same cells colored in red (NAME1c2.tiff...Name80c2.tiff) all saved in the same folder and I want to merge them together, but when I upload all the files c1 images are not blue anymore but red (while C2 images remain red as they should be). If I only open C1 containing files (as you suggested) they will still appear red..but if I open one single C1 file (File --> open). I don't understand how this is possible! I'm a beginner so I really have no clue how to solve this problem..

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