ROI color coder

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ROI color coder

Hi all,

I am using plugin ROI color coder. All LUT files are not read. I don't succeed in save them in text files as it is asked.
Can you help me ?


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Re: ROI color coder

Tiago Ferreira-2
Dear Sylma,

This was happening when the luts directory contained files without extensions.

I've just uploaded an improved version that fixes this and other issues.
In addition, this update works with any type of luts (it is no longer restricted to
tab-delimited LUT text files).



On 2010.11.30, at 03:31 , Sylma wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am using plugin ROI color coder. All LUT files are not read. I don't succeed in save them in text files as it is asked.
> Can you help me ?
> Thanks
> Sylma
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Re: ROI color coder

Hello Tiago,
I just checked out your ROI Color Plug-In an i think ist is very useful!
Still I have some questions you can hopefully answer.

1. In your description
you show 2 output examples. One, where the whole object is colored
and the other one where only the perimeter is colored. I can only get
the perimeter colored, not the whole object!?!
2. how can I save a "colored" picture e.g. as tif. When I save it, there
are no colors anymore, even when i flatten the picture. I need the colored
and without the numbers.
3. "You can easily customize lookup tables using the “Edit>Color>Edit LUT” command2
 does not exist in my ImageJ version (1.44k) maybe it moved to a different place in the

Thanks for your help
