Dear list,
Here's a radial graph scatterplot macro that takes a csv list as input (angle,length), then draws a scatterplot. It colours the points based on how many neighbouring points lie within a given radius (in this example, it's 20 pixels). Unfortunately, it goes really slowly, despite setting batch mode - batch mode appears not to work in this script. Any hints on how to make it go faster would be much appreciated. Example data (c. 3000 points) here: Cheers Mike --------------- //Takes a CSV list of angles and values and draws a //radial scattergraph requires("1.37v"); //make it go faster setBatchMode(true); //Open the array file which must be a csv list in (angle, value \n) format string = File.openAsString(""); //Split the CSV file into an array of lines lines = split(string, "\n"); //initialise some variables theta = newArray(lengthOf(lines)); r = newArray(lengthOf(lines)); rmax = 0; //Find the maximum radius (to determine the outer boundary) for (n=0; n<lengthOf(lines); n++){ thetar= split(lines[n], "\,"); theta[n] = parseFloat(thetar[0]); r[n] = parseFloat(thetar[1]); if (r[n] > rmax){ rmax = r[n]; } } radius = 500; margin = 5; image = 2*(radius+margin); //Draw the new image newImage("Untitled", "8-bit Black", 2*(radius+margin),2*(radius+margin), 1); run("Orange Hot"); setColor(200); //Draw the unit circle drawOval(margin,margin,2*radius,2*radius); //Draw axes drawLine(0,radius+margin, 2*(radius+margin), radius+margin); drawLine(radius+margin,0, radius+margin, 2*(radius+margin)); //draw each point for (n=0; n<lengthOf(lines); n++){ setBatchMode(true); radtheta = theta[n]*2*PI / 360; unitr = r[n]/rmax; x = radius + margin + unitr*cos(radtheta)*radius; y = radius + margin - unitr*sin(radtheta)*radius; //find out how many neighbours are within, say 20 pixels of our point neighbours = 0; for (p=0; p<lengthOf(lines); p++){ setBatchMode(true); radtheta = theta[n]*2*PI / 360; punitr = r[p]/rmax; x1 = radius + margin + punitr*cos(radtheta)*radius; y1 = radius + margin - punitr*sin(radtheta)*radius; prox = sqrt((x-x1)*(x-x1)+(y-y1)*(y-y1)); if(prox<20){ neighbours=neighbours+1; } } //find the colour of the pixel we will draw setColor(255); //this bit needs to automatically spread the LUT to the observed densities. //right now it doesn't. neighbours = neighbours / 3; if (neighbours<255){ setColor(neighbours); print(neighbours); } fillRect(x,y,4,4); } //show us the plot setBatchMode("exit and display"); ----------------- -- Michael Doube BPhil BVSc MRCVS PhD Student Dental Institute Queen Mary, University of London New Rd London E1 1BB United Kingdom Phone +44 (0)20 7377 7000 ext 2681 |
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