Re: "Add" in "Roi Manager"

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Re: "Add" in "Roi Manager"

John McKenna
I searched the list for the same thing but had no luck. So I made a few
changes to the ROI Manager code to prompt for a name when adding an ROI. The
prompt offers the automatic ImageJ name as the default but allows the user
to change the name at the time of creation. Adding ROIs with a macro only
uses the default name. I also replaced the "Add and Draw" button with slight
ly revised code for the disabled "Rename" command. For my purposes, these
changes make analysis easier. I only need to save entire sets of ROIs in a
zip file (not individual .roi files) so using the save option to rename ROIs
involved to many mouseclicks and too many files.

If you would like this revised jar file (tested on linux and windows),
contact me via e-mail at [hidden email]

John McKenna
PhD candidate
Natural Resources Conservation
UMass Amherst

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004 11:07:22 +0200, Abdalkader Bitar
<[hidden email]> wrote:

>Has somebody tried to change the function of "Add" in "Roi manager" to
>give a Generic Dialog instead of obtaining the name, by default from
>imageJ, according to the chosen type of ROI?
>That's, we can give the name to the selected ROI directly, instead of
>doing : "Add" and then "Rename"!!!
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Re: "Add" in "Roi Manager"

Wayne Rasband
 >Has somebody tried to change the function of "Add" in "Roi manager"
 >to give a Generic Dialog instead of obtaining the name, by default
 >from imageJ, according to the chosen type of ROI?
 >That's, we can give the name to the selected ROI directly,
 >instead of doing : "Add" and then "Rename"!!!

The ROI Manager macro set at

contains "Add", "Add and Name", "Add and Draw", "Add, Name and Draw"
and "Add and Advance" macros which can be invoked by pressing "1", "2",
"3", "4" or "5". "Add and Name" and "Add, Name and Draw" require ImageJ
1.35c or later.
