Dear Users,
Digital images for engine emitted particles obtained from either SEM or
TEM can be processed using ImageJ by adjusting the gray scale and
thresholding to a value so that the particles appear red/black leaving a
pure white background. The program then read pixels which are red/black,
present in the ROI and various results are stored such as projected
area, center of mass, centroid, perimeter, max-min gray value, st.
deviation, fit ellipse with the minor and major diameters, feret's
diameter etc. for individual particle as a spread sheet using "analyze
particles" tool. My query is that whether it is possible to have the
print output of the complete 2-dimensional (x,y) array of each pixel
that the program read for a single particle that appears as red/black
object under the ROI. Once the location of each pixel for the particle
is known, then it might be possible to calculate the radius of gyration
of the particle using its location of center of mass (Xm,Ym), which is
already got in results output file.
Any help will be highly appreciated.