Re: to people who were interested in bUnwarpJ

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Re: to people who were interested in bUnwarpJ

Ignacio Arganda Carreras
Hello everybody,

I just checked the download possibilities for bUnwarpJ and all of them
seem to work properly in my machine. They work perfectly in a Linux
environment. On a Windows machine they just seem to take some seconds
before showing any activity on the result windows but the finally get
the same results as in Linux.

Anyone else found more problems?

Simon, could you please send me a more detailed bug report (system,
plug-in and java version, images that you use...)? Thanks!

Glad of getting your feedback!


Simon Roussel wrote:

> Hello,
> While the previous version of bUnwarpJ worked fine, I cannot make the new
> one working. The registration does not seem to work (I do not see the
> deformation grid working on the original images, as before), and the final
> registered images are just "zero" everywhere", as are the final deformation
> grid and arrows (under verbose option).
> I stay with the previous one,
> Thanks,
> Simon

Ignacio Arganda-Carreras
Escuela Politécnica Superior
Laboratorio B-408     Phone: (+34) 91 497 2260
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Ctra. de Colmenar Viejo, Km. 15
Madrid 28049,  Spain

E-mail: [hidden email]