FENS Workshop?

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FENS Workshop?

Dimiter Prodanov
Hi all,

Is anybody interested in co-proposing a Tech workshop on ImageJ
on the next FENS Meeting in Geneva?
(Forum of the European Neuroscience Societies)
Basically we can set up a framework similar to the ImageJ conrefence last year.

Deadline is 28 Feb


Dr Dimiter Prodanov, MD, Ph.D.

Neural Engineering Rehabilitation Laboratory
(Laboratoire de Génie de la Réhabilitation Neurale)
Département de Physiologie et Pharmacologie
Université catholique de Louvain
Avenue Hippocrate, 54
POBox UCL-5446 / B-1200 Bruxelles -Belgique-
Phone: 00-322-764 5596
Fax: 00-322-764 9422

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Re: FENS Workshop?

Albert Cardona
Hi Dimiter,

I am interested, but I could not find the exact dates of the event. Do
you happen to know if they have been defined already?

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Re: FENS Workshop?

Dimiter Prodanov
In reply to this post by Dimiter Prodanov
>Hi Albert,

the dates are 12-16 July  2008

Who else is interested? If we submit we should be 4 and be quick.


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Re: FENS Workshop?

Erickson, Bradley J., M.D.
2008 or 2007?

-----Original Message-----
From: ImageJ Interest Group [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of
Dimiter Prodanov
Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 4:52 AM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: FENS Workshop?

>Hi Albert,

the dates are 12-16 July  2008

Who else is interested? If we submit we should be 4 and be quick.


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Re: [SPAM] FENS Workshop?

Paolo Ariano
In reply to this post by Dimiter Prodanov
Il giorno mer, 21/02/2007 alle 11.23 +0100, Dimiter Prodanov ha scritto:
> Is anybody interested in co-proposing a Tech workshop on ImageJ
> on the next FENS Meeting in Geneva?

yes, it would be nice but do you have a proposal on the contents of the

1. image processing capabilities of ImageJ
2. how to install and use it
3. practical use in lab and case study
4. developping with imagej

etc etc

Neuroscience PhD
University of Torino
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Re: FENS Workshop?

Dimiter Prodanov
In reply to this post by Dimiter Prodanov
>Hi to all,

Let's say, that we entitle the tech workshop
"Applications of ImageJ in imaging and microscopy" or similar
Since FENS is quite high-level meeting we have to focus more
on the scientific side. So:

developping with imagej
image processing capabilities of ImageJ

are appropriate, the others ar not.

to repeat: the meeting itself is 2008 in July

The deadline for the proposal submission is 28 Feb.
We need to be 4, which means I + 3 other researchers.

Colleagues who are interested should contact me off the list for
further discussion : [hidden email]

Dimiter Prodanov
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Re: FENS Workshop?

Dimiter Prodanov
In reply to this post by Dimiter Prodanov
Hi to All,

So far we are 3 people behind the proposal. We need a fourth
participant with neruological or neuro-scientific application.

Topics so far are:

1) large image sets handling and modeling with TrakEM2 (Albert Cardona)

2) database integration of image measurements (me)

3) Particle tracking (Paolo Ariano)

best regards
