Re: IMAGEJ Digest - 16 Sep 2010 to 17 Sep 2010 (#2010-83)

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Re: IMAGEJ Digest - 16 Sep 2010 to 17 Sep 2010 (#2010-83)

Stephen Hart
The new plugin for easy construction of affine transformation matrices
for TransformJ is very nice, but it doesn't seem to be recordable or

When I try to record the generation of a shear using the TransformJ
matrix command with shearing-axis=y and driving-axis=x I get a
"Duplicate keyword" dialog from the recorder and the filename isn't
recorded. When I try to record it using the Create button of the
TransformJ Affine command I again get the "Duplicate keyword" dialog
from the recorder, the filename is recorded, but as recorded the
command doesn't change the matrix.

For example, I'd expect this

run("TransformJ Affine", "shearing=-.1 shearing=y driving=x
matrix=[C:/shear.txt] interpolation=[cubic convolution] background=0.0

would generate, save, and use the matrix

1 0 0 0
-0.1 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

but instead the existing matrix file isn't changed and the old matrix
values are used. Have I misunderstood how to do this?

Stephen J Hart