On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Wayne Rasband <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hello I think I am having a small issue ImageJ AVI export &
>> JPEG compression :
>> The quality factor for JPEG is not used: selecting 10 or 90
>> does not affect the quality or the size of the resulting
>> movie.
> I broke the JPEG Quality option when I replaced com.sun.image.codec.jpeg
> with ImageIO so that ImageJ could be compiled with the OpenJDK. I removed
> the AVI Writer's JPEG Quality option in v1.43n since it is not obvious how
> to specify the quality with ImageIO. In any case, this option was confusing
> since it only applied to one out of the three compression choices.
I use ImageIO in TrakEM2. Setting JPEG quality is verbose, but can be done:
String path = ....
FileOutputStream f = null;
ImageOutputStream ios = null;
ImageWriter writer = null;
BufferedImage grey = bi;
try {
f = new FileOutputStream(path);
writer = ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("jpeg").next();
ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(f);
ImageWriteParam param = writer.getDefaultWriteParam();
IIOImage iioImage = new IIOImage(grey, null, null);
writer.write(null, iioImage, param);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (null != f) try { f.close(); } catch (Exception ee) {}
if (null != writer) try { writer.dispose(); } catch (Exception ee) {}
if (null != ios) try { ios.close(); } catch (Exception ee) {}
See the code in context: