Re: Problem Re-Plotting Multiple lanes in Gels.

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Re: Problem Re-Plotting Multiple lanes in Gels.

Ferez S. Nallaseth
We have tried unsuccessfully to use imageJ and the plugin(GelMenu.text)to
re-plot multiple lanes successively as follows:

(1) outline lane 1 with the rectangular tool
(2) Select first lane
(3) move the outline to the next lane with ctrl + right cursor
(4) select the next lane
(5) plot first lane
Result: get appropriate peaks which when quantified with the line and wand
tools give the correct numbers
(6) (a) Re-select the square tool and then the first lane (as per imageJ
pdf gels section)
(b)Re-plot the next lane
Result: error message: require rectangular tool selection or require
outline selection
(7) (a) Reselected first lane and re-plotted .
Result: first lane plot re-obtained.
(b) outline reinstalled as plugin then retried get another error message
outlines require grey scale.

Qs: Is there anyway to re-plot multiple lanes successively?

Thank you for your time.
