Needed jar file is found, otherwise you will see a different error
message like
<<Plugin or class not found: "civilCapture_"
(java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/lti/civil/swing/ImageFrame) >>
However also another imageJ member (Jerome) initially had some problem
I report his solution:
Dear Vincenzo & Nicola,
I finally sorted it out. And it works great. However I had to make
some tiny changes as compared to the install instructions :
For whatever reason, the -Dkey=value statement that has to be included
in the Image.cfg does not correctly register the associated java
property. Never mind I went the dirty way of adding the
native/win32-x86/* files in my java/bin/ folder and the jar file to my
java/lib/ext/. This is enough to make the libraries available.
About compiling the source, I had no option but to
declare the CaptureSystemFactory factory private only instead of
private final. I think it makes no difference anyway.
Anyway thank you very much for the plugin, I'm sure it will be most
usefull to many.
Let me know if it works, (so I will be modify installation instruction)
Benkoski, Jason J. ha scritto:
> Nicola,
> Your Civil Capture plugin for ImageJ seems like it could be a
> life-saver for me, as I just ordered a microscope with a USB camera,
> and I have no way to put scale bars on my images or to capture movies.
> I am having problems with the installation, though. It seems like I
> may be having a problem getting ImageJ to find the lti-civil library.
> When I run your plugin, I get the "About:" window, but when I click
> OK, the following error message appears:
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at Source)
> at Source)
> at ij.IJ.runUserPlugIn(
> at ij.IJ.runUserPlugIn(
> at ij.IJ.runPlugIn(
> at ij.Executer.runCommand(
> at
> at
> Do you have any idea what I am doing wrong?
> Thanks for your help,
> Jason