Re: reUse Grid stitching generated coords

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Re: reUse Grid stitching generated coords

Cheuk Tam-2
Dear Simone,

I was trying to reuse the coordinates generated from alignments of a reference channel for a secondary channel of the same set of images, but I get an error saying the plugin could not find the file even though I put the TilesConfiguration.registered.txt file is in the same folder as the images:

Stitching internal version: 1.2

Loading: J:\current_labmembers\Cheuk\Scope Pictures\Neurite outgrowth assay 1\04C3 24 hr 1\B\24hr 04C3_B_Comp\04C3_B_Tuj1 10x 4.tif ...
ERROR: Cannot find file: 'J:\current_labmembers\Cheuk\Scope Pictures\Neurite outgrowth assay 1\04C3 24 hr 1\B\24hr 04C3_B_Comp\04C3_B_Tuj1 10x 4.tif' - abort stitching.

Did you encounter a similar error?  The file loads properly if I use it for the original images from which the file was generated.  Is there a detail to naming the file or where I save it that can affect loading?  

Also, did you use an automated stage to capture your images?  Lastly, did the Stitching plugin use the recycled coordinates properly after turning off the compute overlay option (Michael pointed out that the coordinates are used as a starting point, not necessarily as absolute coordinates)?

Thank you so much for your help.


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