Reducing Entropy

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Reducing Entropy

Cheuk Tam-2
Hi Everyone,

I've included my question and link to the image from my two previous posts to more clearly show what the link is referring to.  Thank you for your understanding:

I was using the plugin for 10X images of neurospheres and ran into issues with alignment.  I took images in a snake pattern with a lot of overlap (>50%). I then used the "unknown position" option for the Grid/Collection stitching; Grid: snake by rows did not do as good a job.  The result is mostly accurate, but parts of the fused image (e.g. the Hoechst channel) shows a double-vision problem; e.g. the same nuclei in two photos are shown next to each other instead of aligned and merged on top of each other.

The image can be seen in the following link:

Are there any settings I can adjust?  I've tried increasing the regression threshold to 0.7 but it did not help.  Also, there is a note in the cookbook about registering different channels using hyperstacks, but I'm having a bit of trouble following through with it.

"However, if you want to do that anyways simply convert channels into time-points and run it as if it was time-lapse registration. Afterwards you can convert it back. The easiest to achieve this is to use Image -> Hyperstacks -> Re-order hyperstack ..."

Any suggestions or directions for converting channels to timepoints would be appreciated.

Thank you for your help.


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