On Jan 9, 2015, at 2:47 PM, Rob Stead <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am converting a large batch of Tiff files to an avi sequence. Everything
> is working fine, except for the fact that ImageJ is optimizing the
> gain/contrast/brightness of every individual frame. Since the overall
> brightness of the tiff varies throughout the sequence I want to disable
> this, so that the final avi shows the true variation in brightness as time
> elapses. What's interesting is that, in the virtual stack, I can optimise
> the gain/contrast to that of a frame of my choice, and ImageJ displays the
> stack accordingly, so that the darker frames really do appear darker. But
> when I save as avi, yep, the darker frames have the gain cranked up to
> compensate…
I am unable to reproduce this problem. Please provide a tiff stack or test macro that reproduces the problem. The following macro works as expected.
newImage("Untitled", "16-bit ramp", 512, 512, 3);
run("Divide...", "value=2 slice");
run("Divide...", "value=4 slice");
path = getDirectory("temp") + "test.avi";
run("AVI... ", "frame=30 save=&path");
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