Hi, it's all in this file (or at least called from here):
https://github.com/axtimwalde/mpicbg/blob/master/mpicbg_/src/main/java/SIFT_Align.javaSpecifically you are looking for this I think
modelFound = currentModel.filterRansac(
p.minInlierRatio );
All the best,
Sent from my iPhone
On Aug 16, 2017, at 15:13, Michael Alex <
[hidden email]<mailto:
[hidden email]>> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
thanks for your answer. I made an appendix, that shows the different parameters and windows and with red line that part, I miss and need.
The pop up-windows of the Github-source code in comparison to the plugin (feature extraction, SIFT) are different. Both windows (Github or fiji-source code vs. Plugin) are shown in the appendix.
Additionally I cant find the filter by geometric consensus and the selection „Translation, rigid, similarity, affine, perspective“ (red edge). But there is no source-code (java-file) for that.
Do you have the complete source-code and would you be so pleasant to send me the source code or the up-to-date link (for GitHub) with the updated files including the geometric consensus filter?
I would be obliged if you can support me.
Thank you very much, have a nice day,
Best regards,
Michael Alex
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