measurments within a (moveable) grid

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measurments within a (moveable) grid


I would like to create a grid (for example, 500um wide and 300um high, with 50um squares) that I can then position at a desired location to be able to make measurement within the individual squares of the grid-I can envision how to do this using ROI's but not how to automate it...
Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks very much


Susan Travers
Professor, Biosciences
Division of Biosciences, College of Dentistry
The Ohio State University
305 West 12th Avenue
Columbus, Ohio  43210
[hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
(614)361-0800 (cell)
(614)292-6366 (work)

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Re: measurments within a (moveable) grid

Good day Susan,

I'd suggest that you perform the analyses/measurements sequentially,
i.e. for one square region after the other. For this purpose you move a
square-sized ROI of proper size over your image.

For this ROI-shifts you have to write an ImageJ-macro with loops that
gives you the ROI positions. A square-sized ROI is created by the command

        makeRectangle(x, y, width, height);

Although it is possible to use scaled co-ordinates (um) I recommend to
use pixels.

Please consult the commented list of available macro functions at


and the introduction to macro-coding at


Good luck


Am 16.08.17 um 15:30 schrieb Travers, Susan:

> Hello,
> I would like to create a grid (for example, 500um wide and 300um high, with 50um squares) that I can then position at a desired location to be able to make measurement within the individual squares of the grid-I can envision how to do this using ROI's but not how to automate it...
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks very much
> susan
> Susan Travers
> Professor, Biosciences
> Division of Biosciences, College of Dentistry
> The Ohio State University
> 305 West 12th Avenue
> Columbus, Ohio  43210
> [hidden email]<mailto:[hidden email]>
> (614)361-0800 (cell)
> (614)292-6366 (work)
> --
> ImageJ mailing list:

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