ImageJ Interest Group <
[hidden email]> schrieb am 04.02.2008 17:40:08:
> Thanks a lot, it works perfectly.
> To note, however (Other reply from Wayne), "The File>Save As>Raw Data
> command saves signed 16-bit images (e.g.,File>Open Samples>CT) as signed
> shorts".
> This in not in the documentation.
> Simon
Interesting, but actually what seems to happen is that the "calibration
trick" Wayne mentioned is stored with the data as a
Metatag, so it will behave as "signed" correctly when you open it the next
time, but 0 in the data is actually stored as RAW 32768,
so data in a .TIF-file will appear different when you open it with any
other (non calibration-tag-aware) software!
(Would need to flip the sign-bit again)!?
Correct me if I´m wrong!
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